Monday, August 29, 2011

You is smart. You is kind. You is important.

As I sit here typing on my computer, I think...
          ... about college. I cannot sleep; my brain is racing.
It's such a weird feeling to be a college graduate. No more dreaded eight o'clock classes. No more exams or return demonstrations. No more studying! The summer is over for most of my friends, and it still feels like I should be walking the campus beside them. I miss the good ole University of Louisiana at Monroe (ULM)--the bayou. However, as I start my career as a nurse, I will always remember the overly caring professors at ULM. I am thankful for the knowledge I gained, and I will always continue to learn.
I am smart!
As I sit here typing on my computer, I think...
          ... about what it means to be a nurse. I cannot sleep; my brain is racing.
It's such an accomplished feeling to be a nurse. I have work so hard to prepare, to teach, to listen, and to nurture the patient, the family, and my colleagues. To me, nursing is not a job... But simply caring. It's the comfort of a hand touch. It's the warmth of a hug. It's offering silence or talking to someone until there is nothing else to talk about. I am thankful for finding a career that I can say, "I care for a living."
I am kind!
As I sit here typing on my computer, I think...
          ... about my friends and family. I cannot sleep; my brain is racing.
It's such a great feeling to have loving people in my life. My friends and family are honestly the most amazing people ever. They make me feel special and important. I love them, and I am thankful they love me for me.
I am important!
As I sit here typing on my computer, I think...
          ... about the movie I saw today (yesterday) with a friend. I cannot sleep; my brain is racing.
The Help was such an inspiriting movie, and I think everyone should see it. A wise lady once told me, "You can't go looking for happiness because you will not find it." I now know that we hold the power of making ourselves happy. We have to find meaning in our own lives. It's important to find things we are grateful for. You never know what you are missing until it's gone (or too late), so it's important to remember that you can't take things for granted. It's the little things that matter the most. All of this first starts with our attitude towards life. So, I want you to know that... 
"You is smart. You is kind. You is important."


  1. CHAD! I love that you're blogging; your blog is very optimistic and uplifting, makes me happy!

    It almost makes me want to go on mine and post a word or two. I just keep slipping in and out of it. Hard to find a good topic to write about. Hard to find a time that I want to compose my rambles into something more than just barf'n on the keyboard. But I think I'll crank out something soon.

    -Heather Runa :D

    1. Heather! Wow, it's great to hear from you! I think it would be a lovely idea for you write. It's so therapeutic at times. <3

  2. love love love this! you are an inspiration to me. you always have something good to say. btw, The Help waaaaaaas a great movie.

    "shit!" LOL

  3. Chad,

    You are going to be the best nurse ever (besides me). I'm happy to see that all of your hard work has paid off, and it's such an honor to know you and call you friend.

    You have such a beautiful mind, and you are going to make someone really happy one day. KNOW THAT!

    -Brandon P.

  4. Chad,
    Congratulations on the job! I am so happy for you. I just want you to know that I love your blog. I think you are very clever! I also saw the movie "The Help" last night. It is one of my favorite movies of all time! You is smart, you is kind, and you is important to me too!

    Paige B.

    Boo Boo! It makes me laugh everytime I think about it!
